Diapers: Americans throw away 570 diapers per second. That's 49 million diapers per day!
An average child will use between 8,000 -10,000 disposable diapers ($2,000 worth) before being potty trained. Each year, parents and babysitters dispose of about 18 billion of these items.
In the United States alone these single-use items consume nearly 100,000 tons of plastic and 800,000 tons of tree pulp.
We will pay an average of $350 million annually to deal with their disposal and, to top it off, these diapers will still be in the landfill 300 years from now.
There is a very clean biodegradable solution.
Check out gDiapers at HarborGreenStore.com
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
How Toxic Is Your Home?
How Toxic Is Your Home?
We like to think of our homes as being a safe place to be--a refuge from a dangerous world. Yet some of the exposures that you have day-to-day that are most hazardous to your health and the health of your family happen right at home.
The good news is that for every toxic product you'll find in your home, there is a safer alternative. You just need to know where to look for those toxic exposures and what safe solutions are available.
Here are common toxic exposures most Americans have in their homes, and some simple, inexpensive things everyone can do to reduce household toxics.
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
1. Save yourself from exposure to toxic ammonia by washing your windows with non-ammonia cleaners. Ammonia can cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, and burn your skin.
2. Free yourself from toxic formaldehyde exposure by sleeping on untreated cotton sheets. Formaldehyde exposure can cause insomnia,yes, insomnia, and respiratory problems, among other symptoms. Bypass formaldehyde-coated polyester/cotton sheets and no-iron cotton sheets and choose cozy cotton flannel sheets or untreated organic cotton percale sheets.
3. Replace toxic mothballs with sweet sachets. Mothballs are made from 100 percent paradichlorobenzene, a volatile toxic chemical that can cause headaches and severe irritation to nose, throat and lungs. Over time it can cause liver and kidney damage. Because the balls look like candy, they are a very attractive poison to children. Protect your woolens from moths by making sachets from dried lavender.
4. Use natural soap-based cleaning products instead of poisonous detergent. While detergents seem safe, they are a petrochemical-based product that is responsible for more household poisonings than any other substance. Soap, on the other hand, is made from natural oils and minerals and has been safely used for centuries.
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
5. Refill your own non-plastic water bottle instead of using toxic plastic water bottles. While it's good for your health to carry your own water and drink it throughout the day, if it's in a clear polycarbonate plastic bottle, it is leaching a toxic substance into your water--even if the bottle is sitting on table at room temperature. Bisphenol-A. BPA is a potent hormone disruptor that can impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on breast tissue and prostate development. Drink from a glass bottle or carry an aluminum or steel bottle.
6. Wash away petrochemical perfumes and take a botanical bath. Many commercial bath products contain detergents and artificial fragrances that can be irritating to sensitive areas. You can have a luxurious relaxing bath by adding natural substances to warm bathwater, such as fragrant dried or fresh herbs (try lavender, rosemary, or peppermint), natural salts. For bubbles, use a natural or organic soap.
7. Get some color in your life without toxic solvents by choosing colorful water-based pens and markers and paints. Check through your pens and markers and throw away any with "permanent" ink. They contain very toxic volatile solvents such as toluene and xylene.
by: Debra Lynn Dadd and Harbor Green Store staff
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
We like to think of our homes as being a safe place to be--a refuge from a dangerous world. Yet some of the exposures that you have day-to-day that are most hazardous to your health and the health of your family happen right at home.
The good news is that for every toxic product you'll find in your home, there is a safer alternative. You just need to know where to look for those toxic exposures and what safe solutions are available.
Here are common toxic exposures most Americans have in their homes, and some simple, inexpensive things everyone can do to reduce household toxics.
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
1. Save yourself from exposure to toxic ammonia by washing your windows with non-ammonia cleaners. Ammonia can cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, and burn your skin.
2. Free yourself from toxic formaldehyde exposure by sleeping on untreated cotton sheets. Formaldehyde exposure can cause insomnia,yes, insomnia, and respiratory problems, among other symptoms. Bypass formaldehyde-coated polyester/cotton sheets and no-iron cotton sheets and choose cozy cotton flannel sheets or untreated organic cotton percale sheets.
3. Replace toxic mothballs with sweet sachets. Mothballs are made from 100 percent paradichlorobenzene, a volatile toxic chemical that can cause headaches and severe irritation to nose, throat and lungs. Over time it can cause liver and kidney damage. Because the balls look like candy, they are a very attractive poison to children. Protect your woolens from moths by making sachets from dried lavender.
4. Use natural soap-based cleaning products instead of poisonous detergent. While detergents seem safe, they are a petrochemical-based product that is responsible for more household poisonings than any other substance. Soap, on the other hand, is made from natural oils and minerals and has been safely used for centuries.
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
5. Refill your own non-plastic water bottle instead of using toxic plastic water bottles. While it's good for your health to carry your own water and drink it throughout the day, if it's in a clear polycarbonate plastic bottle, it is leaching a toxic substance into your water--even if the bottle is sitting on table at room temperature. Bisphenol-A. BPA is a potent hormone disruptor that can impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on breast tissue and prostate development. Drink from a glass bottle or carry an aluminum or steel bottle.
6. Wash away petrochemical perfumes and take a botanical bath. Many commercial bath products contain detergents and artificial fragrances that can be irritating to sensitive areas. You can have a luxurious relaxing bath by adding natural substances to warm bathwater, such as fragrant dried or fresh herbs (try lavender, rosemary, or peppermint), natural salts. For bubbles, use a natural or organic soap.
7. Get some color in your life without toxic solvents by choosing colorful water-based pens and markers and paints. Check through your pens and markers and throw away any with "permanent" ink. They contain very toxic volatile solvents such as toluene and xylene.
by: Debra Lynn Dadd and Harbor Green Store staff
Thousands of All-natural, safe products, GREEN products are available at HARBOR GREEN STORE
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Going 'Green' Can Be Easy
Most people think that being 'green' means you have to replace everything in your home or make dramatic changes in your lifestyle. This just is not the case! Every little step you make to contribute to a more eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle helps. Even if you have no concern for our planet Earth, at least make better choices for yourself and your family.
For instance, we here at Harbor Green Store are very concerned about BPA (Bisphenol A). Scientists at the University of Cincinnati found that when the same new and used polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA, an environmental estrogen, was released 55 times more rapidly than before exposure to hot water. (Science Daily, 2008). The chemical--which is widely used in products such as reusable water bottles, food can linings, water pipes and dental sealants--has been shown to affect reproduction and brain development in animal studies.
So what does all this mean? Every time you heat up your food in a plastic container containing BPA, you are releasing these toxins into your food.
So, what should you do about it? Replace your plasticware with glass or BPA free materials. We highly recommend replacing your water bottles with a reusable canteen. This saves the environment of millions of empty water bottles a year and is better for your health. Plus you can fill them with whatever drink you want and not worry about scarey health consequences.
Skeptical or unconcerned about BPA? How about just being concerned with your money? Little changes in your living habits can help save you money and the environment. For starters, turn down the thermostat! Put on a blanket in the winter and open the windows in the summer. This saves you and the environement in energy charges. Watch your faucets for leaking water. Or walk or ride your bike for short trips. It's healthy for you and releases no toxins into the air from gas. Also, what many folks don't think about is buying sustainable products. This means buying products that will last you a long time or are made from sustainable materials that are easily replaced, such as bamboo. You can find a great selection of Bamboo clothes, furniture, bedding and bath accessories at Harbor Green Store.
The best way to start a 'green' lifestyle is to make little changes when they are convenient for you. If you are looking to replace your household cleaners, think about chemical-free and toxin free plant based cleaners. If you are looking for new bedding, think about one made from organic cotton, bamboo or merino wool. Or if you are looking to spruce up your yard, buy natural fertilizers rich in micronutrients. All of these changes have less environmental effect and are healthier for you, your family, and your pets.
Check out Harbor Green Store for great eco-friendly, healthy alternatives for your everyday needs.
For instance, we here at Harbor Green Store are very concerned about BPA (Bisphenol A). Scientists at the University of Cincinnati found that when the same new and used polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA, an environmental estrogen, was released 55 times more rapidly than before exposure to hot water. (Science Daily, 2008). The chemical--which is widely used in products such as reusable water bottles, food can linings, water pipes and dental sealants--has been shown to affect reproduction and brain development in animal studies.
So what does all this mean? Every time you heat up your food in a plastic container containing BPA, you are releasing these toxins into your food.
So, what should you do about it? Replace your plasticware with glass or BPA free materials. We highly recommend replacing your water bottles with a reusable canteen. This saves the environment of millions of empty water bottles a year and is better for your health. Plus you can fill them with whatever drink you want and not worry about scarey health consequences.
Skeptical or unconcerned about BPA? How about just being concerned with your money? Little changes in your living habits can help save you money and the environment. For starters, turn down the thermostat! Put on a blanket in the winter and open the windows in the summer. This saves you and the environement in energy charges. Watch your faucets for leaking water. Or walk or ride your bike for short trips. It's healthy for you and releases no toxins into the air from gas. Also, what many folks don't think about is buying sustainable products. This means buying products that will last you a long time or are made from sustainable materials that are easily replaced, such as bamboo. You can find a great selection of Bamboo clothes, furniture, bedding and bath accessories at Harbor Green Store.
The best way to start a 'green' lifestyle is to make little changes when they are convenient for you. If you are looking to replace your household cleaners, think about chemical-free and toxin free plant based cleaners. If you are looking for new bedding, think about one made from organic cotton, bamboo or merino wool. Or if you are looking to spruce up your yard, buy natural fertilizers rich in micronutrients. All of these changes have less environmental effect and are healthier for you, your family, and your pets.
Check out Harbor Green Store for great eco-friendly, healthy alternatives for your everyday needs.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
BPA Linked to Higher Testosterone Levels
BPA Linked to Higher Testosterone Levels
for BPA free products please visit HARBOR GREEN STORE
BPA's in almost everything, it seems. The chemical is great for making transparent, nearly shatter-proof plastic, called polycarbonate, so it shows up everywhere--in CDs, water bottles, even eyeglasses.
Now it's in your urine, too. And if you're a guy, it's messing with your hormones.
Researchers at the School of Biosciences at the University of Exeter in the UK have found an association between BPA (Bisphenol A) and higher levels of testosterone, proving a link that up until now has only been decisively shown in lab animals.
The new study, published this month in Environmental Health Perspectives, looked at hundreds of men in Italy who had volunteered to donate blood and urine samples.
Out of all these men of all ages, 98 percent had some level of BPA in their urine.
"And as soon as you see something in 98 percent of the population, you think, 'That could be a health risk,'" said Tamara Galloway, the lead author of the study.
Galloway's group's previous work with BPA has established links between exposure to the chemical and cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. But the chemical had long been suspected to also act as an endocrine disruptor; that is, something that mimics or blocks hormones in the body.
The men who excreted the most BPA through their urine also had the highest amount of testosterone in their blood.
BPA passes through the body "rapidly and completely," according to the study. But because BPA is so ubiquitous, the damage is through a low level of constant exposure, so even as "old" BPA is flushed out, we're ingesting more of it. "everything we've seen suggests that there's a low level of consistent exposure," Galloway said.
Getting Rid of BPA
In an unrelated study, researchers have been working on ways to degrade BPA-containing plastic without releasing BPA into the environment.
Mukesh Doble, a professor in the Indian Institute of Technology's biotech department, and his colleagues exposed sheets of polycarbonate to UV light and then inoculated them with white-rot fungus. The researchers were able to partially decompose the plastic with no release of harmful BPA. The fungus isn't exactly feeding on the BPA, Doble said, but "this fungi breaks it into pieces, so whatever is coming out is not exactly a BPA molecule." Left alone without the white-rot fungus, the plastic will be attacked by bacteria that eventually do break it down, but release BPA into the environment during the process, Doble explained.
Instead, using Doble's technique, the UV light "pretreats" the plastic, making it easier for the mold, used commercially for bioremediation all over the world, to grow. Combined, they made for the best and fastest plastic killer.
The solution isn't a quick fix: after a year, the plastic was only about 6 percent degraded. Doble estimates it would take about 20 years to break down the entire thing. And until a plastic treatment plant based on the scientists' findings opens up near you, your only option to get rid of your bottle is to dump it in the trash. Most municipalities don't accept #7 plastics for recycling.
Many companies, prompted by health concerns, have been phasing out polycarbonate in favor of other plastics. But BPA is still found in some food storage containers, baby bottles, the linings of metal cans, and in all sorts of non-food related uses, so it'll be with us for a long time. Even if we do let it rot.
--Rachel Kaufman- National Geographic
for BPA free products please visit HARBOR GREEN STORE
for BPA free products please visit HARBOR GREEN STORE
BPA's in almost everything, it seems. The chemical is great for making transparent, nearly shatter-proof plastic, called polycarbonate, so it shows up everywhere--in CDs, water bottles, even eyeglasses.
Now it's in your urine, too. And if you're a guy, it's messing with your hormones.
Researchers at the School of Biosciences at the University of Exeter in the UK have found an association between BPA (Bisphenol A) and higher levels of testosterone, proving a link that up until now has only been decisively shown in lab animals.
The new study, published this month in Environmental Health Perspectives, looked at hundreds of men in Italy who had volunteered to donate blood and urine samples.
Out of all these men of all ages, 98 percent had some level of BPA in their urine.
"And as soon as you see something in 98 percent of the population, you think, 'That could be a health risk,'" said Tamara Galloway, the lead author of the study.
Galloway's group's previous work with BPA has established links between exposure to the chemical and cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. But the chemical had long been suspected to also act as an endocrine disruptor; that is, something that mimics or blocks hormones in the body.
The men who excreted the most BPA through their urine also had the highest amount of testosterone in their blood.
BPA passes through the body "rapidly and completely," according to the study. But because BPA is so ubiquitous, the damage is through a low level of constant exposure, so even as "old" BPA is flushed out, we're ingesting more of it. "everything we've seen suggests that there's a low level of consistent exposure," Galloway said.
Getting Rid of BPA
In an unrelated study, researchers have been working on ways to degrade BPA-containing plastic without releasing BPA into the environment.
Mukesh Doble, a professor in the Indian Institute of Technology's biotech department, and his colleagues exposed sheets of polycarbonate to UV light and then inoculated them with white-rot fungus. The researchers were able to partially decompose the plastic with no release of harmful BPA. The fungus isn't exactly feeding on the BPA, Doble said, but "this fungi breaks it into pieces, so whatever is coming out is not exactly a BPA molecule." Left alone without the white-rot fungus, the plastic will be attacked by bacteria that eventually do break it down, but release BPA into the environment during the process, Doble explained.
Instead, using Doble's technique, the UV light "pretreats" the plastic, making it easier for the mold, used commercially for bioremediation all over the world, to grow. Combined, they made for the best and fastest plastic killer.
The solution isn't a quick fix: after a year, the plastic was only about 6 percent degraded. Doble estimates it would take about 20 years to break down the entire thing. And until a plastic treatment plant based on the scientists' findings opens up near you, your only option to get rid of your bottle is to dump it in the trash. Most municipalities don't accept #7 plastics for recycling.
Many companies, prompted by health concerns, have been phasing out polycarbonate in favor of other plastics. But BPA is still found in some food storage containers, baby bottles, the linings of metal cans, and in all sorts of non-food related uses, so it'll be with us for a long time. Even if we do let it rot.
--Rachel Kaufman- National Geographic
for BPA free products please visit HARBOR GREEN STORE
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Friday, September 3, 2010
What does “organic” mean?
What does “organic” mean?
Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.
The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as follows:
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled "organic," a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.
You can view many organic and natural products at http://www.harborgreenstore.com
Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.
The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as follows:
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled "organic," a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.
You can view many organic and natural products at http://www.harborgreenstore.com
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Rolling Puppy - Harbor Green Store
Rolling Puppy - Harbor Green Store
• natural cotton canvas & rope materials
• telescoping handle, durable recycled wheels
• non-toxic dyes
• sustainable wood accents
• recycled plastic components
• padded shoulder straps
Our bags are made with planet-friendly organic cotton, PVC-free materials, recycled plastics and toxic-free dyes and components. We’ve created eco-friendly bags minus the extra baggage of health and environmental risks.
Instead of commonly used and chemical-emitting PVC, we've created bags coated with EPO, a healthy alternative. This patented system is called Ecoweave (EPO), which creates virtually no risk to the environment or to human health.
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